Frequently Asked Questions

What is Counselling?

Counselling take place as a planned, regular session (usually each week). It provides you with a safe and confidential space where you are able to explore life events, thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours, in whatever way you feel free and able to express yourself. It is your time, it is your space to explore whatever is going on for you, without judgement or question. If you are wondering if counselling is for you, it can feel daunting, and you might wonder how you are supposed to open up to essentially a stranger. Talking about past experiences and things that are painful can be really difficult. Sessions are completely guided by you, how you feel, and what (if) you want to share. Counselling however, is not a quick fix. It takes time and effort, and you have to be able and ready to be open and honest, and want to engage with your counsellor (me) and in the sessions and with the work in order for it to be effective

"Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns. Your therapist will help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and of others"

British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

I understand that seeking a counsellor can be a really challenging experience , you will undoubtedly experience a variety of emotions and it can leave you feeling really vulnerable. Even though you may have decided to seek help, the thought of sharing how you feel (with a stranger!) might feel completely overwhelming, or even terrifying. Finding the therapist that is right for you, can be a very tough decision. It is fundamental to me, and our work together, that you feel physically and psychologically safe and completely comfortable with me. This will give us the foundations to build a positive therapeutic relationship (working alliance). When you are ready and able, this foundation will enable us to work together. It will allow you to begin to share your open up about your experiences and difficulties and share your world with me. Then together we can look at the behaviours, thoughts, feelings and emotions you find troubling.

Through acceptance, empathy, compassion, and positive regard, I hope that the sessions allow you to feel seen, heard, valued and understood. In time, I hope our work together can empower you to face your fears, move through pain, grief & loss, and see your difficulties through a different perspective. Overall, I hope our time together gives you the confidence in your own ability to be able to become a more emotionally & mentally healthier version of yourself.

Throughout my training I have explored a variety of theoretical frameworks and philosophies of practice. I have found using an integrative theoretical base, allows me to best adapt my work to best meet the individual needs of each client. This allows me to focus on you, and your experience. You are the expert in your own life and should we work together I will be fortunate to be a part of your journey. Occasionally we might use creative techniques to encourage the deepening of the therapeutic process.

Why should I choose Counselling with Mallory?

Issues I can support with...

  • Abuse

  • Academic Difficulties

  • Anger / Anger Management

  • Anxiety

  • Behaviour Difficulties

  • Bereavement/ Grief

  • Bullying

  • Burnout

  • Depression/ Low Mood

  • Emotional Difficulties

  • Exam Stress

  • Family Difficulties

  • Friendship Difficulties

  • Loneliness

  • Low Self - Esteem

  • Low Self - Confidence

  • Mental Ill Health

  • Mood Changes/ Difficulties

  • Panic Attacks

  • Peer Pressure

  • Relationship Difficulties

  • School Difficulties

  • School Transition

  • Self Harm

  • Sleep Difficulties

  • Social Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Suicidal Thoughts

  • Trauma

  • Young Carer

Information for Parent/ Carers

If you feel your child / young person is struggling, it can be really difficult and extremely worrying as a parent. Reaching out to a counsellor might feel intimidating. Lots of children and young people attend counselling at some point in their lives, for all sorts of reasons. Talking to a counsellor can help a child / young person be more aware of the difficulties they are having, why they are triggered by certain things, and why they might feel or behave in a certain way. Counselling will help them understand themselves better. I am passionate about helping young people with their emotional and mental health. It is my hope that we can work together to support your child / young person. I strive to enable your child / young person to feel safe, listened to, empathized with, and empowered to make their own positive change. Sessions can be either online or face to face, and depending on the circumstance sessions can also be conveniently arranged privately within their school setting.

Counselling gives a young person the opportunity to have a safe and confidential space which is 100% dedicated to them, to help them to understand and cope with whatever it is they’re going through. Speaking with a trained counsellor can significantly reduce pupils’ psychological distress. Counselling has a positive effect on young people's confidence, resilience, sense of self-worth, family relationships, friendships, attendance and academic achievement. Adolescence can be an extremely challenging time and it can be really difficult to cope with fluctuating emotions and feelings whilst at school/ college. Trying to thrive in educational settings, whilst going through such profound physiological and psychological changes and development can be both confusing and isolating. Balancing the changing dynamics of home, friendships and relationships, attachments and identity, alongside pressures of homework, deadlines and examinations (to name only a few) can have a profound impact on pupils' emotional and mental health. As a counsellor I am specifically trained to work with young people aged 11- 25. I am a Trauma Informed Mental Health Practitioner & I have over 12 years experience working therapeutically in secondary education & specialist provisions. I believe in a collaborative approach in supporting young people and supporting the team around the child (as much as is appropriate). I am passionate about supporting young people to believe in themselves, help remove their individual barriers to learning and help them to thrive not survive. I can currently offer hourly, half day or full day booking rates to schools, colleges and universities. I can offer short term and longer term contracts. Young peoples workshops and staff CPD opportunities are also available.

Information for Schools/ Colleges & Universities