Are you struggling to manage your thoughts, feelings and emotions?

Do you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope?

Are you distracted, struggling to concentrate or finding it difficult to sleep?

Have you experienced family conflict, relationship difficulties or traumatic events?

Are you feeling stressed, anxious or low in mood?

Would you like to feel listened to & understood?

Counselling & What To Expect


If you are reading this, you (or a young person you are supporting) may be looking for early intervention, experiencing some difficulties or changes you wish to seek support for or, feel as though you (they) are at crisis point. Of course, if you are struggling with emotional or mental health difficulties, counselling can help, but the truth is, you don't need a reason to seek help. Counselling can help you reach your full potential at any point in life, and it is always better to address issues early, before they become overwhelming. As a counsellor, I am trained to work with people who are struggling with psychological or emotional difficulties. My motives are simple. I have a genuine desire to help. I want to listen, to understand you and your experiences and see the world through your eyes. Only then can we begin to explore together, what is troubling you, in a safe and confidential space.

Integrative counselling is a collaborative, relational process. The therapeutic relationship is essential in the work that the therapist and counsellor do together. The therapeutic relationship allows the counsellor to adapt their approach to the needs of the client, and for the client to feel safe enough to explore and express their needs.

Modalities of Therapy which may be used in Integrative Approach

  • Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)

  • Person Centered Therapy

  • Humanistic Therapy

  • Art & Creative Therapy

  • PACE

  • Trauma Informed Therapy

  • Relational Therapy

  • Child & Adolescent Development

  • Sandtray Therapy

  • Attachment Focused Therapy

  • Neuroscience

  • Transactional Analysis (TA) Theory

Integrative Counselling

Creative expression plays an important role in our development and can assist in the recovery of emotional and mental distress. The use of the arts in counselling can allow you to communicate the thoughts and feelings that you usually find difficult to express. Art materials such as paint, clay, sand and paper can be used to as a vehicle to clarify meaning and communicate issues and to share emotions and feelings in a more personal and meaningful way. Using the arts in therapy allows you, the client, to focus on feelings and emotions (rather than thinking and only using language). Using the arts also allow the therapist a real insight in to the clients world. Previous experience or skills in art are not needed, but an openness and willingness to share your world and experiences is.

Creative & Therapeutic Arts

Free No Obligation Consultation Phone Call

Once contact has been made through the contact form, you will receive a confirmation email. From here I will arrange a 15-30min free no obligation phone call where we can introduce ourselves and I get to know a little bit about about the help and support you feel you may need. If you are happy to continue, an assessment session will then be arranged at a mutual agreed time, where we will begin our journey together.

Sessions & What To Expect

The First Session (Assessment Session)

The first session will give us the opportunity to meet either online or face to face. This gives us the opportunity to view how we may work together and ensure you are happy to proceed. The assessment session gives us both the opportunity to see where you are at, and look at the issues you feel you may need support with. The assessment allows us both to ask questions and set out a plan for our work together. It will also give me the opportunity to make sure I can offer you the best support possible, or if feel another therapist's skills may be better suited to you and your situation. This will give us the best foundation possible as we begin our work together. If you are under 18 years of age - please not a parent / carer is required to attend for approximately half of this session in order to fill in the necessary paperwork for you to start your counselling jouney.


Sessions are a planned, regular time, that allow you explore life events, thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviour, in whatever way you feel free to express yourself. It is your time, your space to explore whatever is going on for you, without judgement or question, in a safe and confidential space. Sessions are completely guided by you, how you feel and what you want to share. Counselling is dedicated time for you, we work at your pace, there is no miracle, I can not wave a magic wand and it is not a quick fix. I can however listen, offer empathy and understanding and journey together with you. I hope this will increase your confidence, empower you, enable you to face your fears, move through pain, grief & loss, and see the difficulties you are facing through a different perspective. Sessions are usually every week to begin with and last approx. 50-60min.

Session Review (approx. 6 weeks)

After approx. 6 weeks a session review may be planned in. in order for us both to reflect on your progress and look to make new goals. Session reviews include a partial reassessment in order to see where you are at, how you are feeling about the counselling and therapeutic process, and if you feel you want/need to continue. You may feel you have gotten what you wanted/ needed from our time together and choose to end therapy, or you may wish to continue and set goals for our future work together.

Ending Sessions

Endings can be very difficult for some people. Endings are guided by you, at your pace and when you are ready. You may chose a phased ending or you may wish to end once your feel you have gotten what you wanted/ needed from the process. Either way, you have full control over when and how we end our time together. All I ask for as we end our work together is some feedback on how the process was for you. This will allow me to reflect on my practice, enable me to plan my personal development and hopefully be better able to support clients in the future.

Over 12 Years Experience

Specialist Teen Counsellor

Trauma & Mental Health Informed Practitioner

BACP Member

Fully Insured

DBS Checked